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Blog – read

  • Blogs English

    Looking sideways, that’s an art.

    I believe wholeheartedly that learning to look sideways changes your world. I also think it’s an art. But it’s an art you can learn. I see it in my coaching, training and the change projects I lead.

  • Blogs English

    Mindfulness and Leadership

    Michael Carroll has written a book, “Mindfulness and Leadership”. In his book, he confirms what I had always suspected. To be a leader in our new world, you must be mindful. Meditation or mindfulness belongs to the latest generation of leaders.

  • Blogs English

    Do you dare to vitalize yourself?

    Do you want to create more vitality for yourself? And what does vitality mean for you in your life?
    I’ve been doing a lot of research on vitality, embodiment and neuroscience, and the research strikes me, E.g. How our body knows before our brain does.